Edge of Feminism

Ajay Sarode
2 min readMay 30, 2020

Today, women are more assertive than men.

Indeed, the older generation was different but again then now we are going to one extreme to other just because women were subdued for so long doesn’t mean now man should be subdued.

Both should learn to bring out a certain balance, You know that balance is productive that balance makes life positive. Life can get lonely without a partner there are reasons why concepts of male and female come together to compliment each other and make living out of it.

But today’s urge of superiority is more toxic, If it makes you hate certain opposite gender. I am sorry we have lost the fabric of life.

We are more inhuman when we believe “I” matter. There’s space in time we can balance our life without being to chose side rather than just being in a complete balance we can achieve.

Ultimately, our goal need to better human beings so we can have a better end. after all we all have to do our dying.
If women go on treating men how they have been treated before aren't we going to extreme? then where is the balance then. What have we achieved?

If you go deeper into understanding life, the breath that we inhale is not free.
With time when one comes to terms with that till then it too late.

Why not learn from the mistake of others, because we don't have time to make all the mistakes and learn from them.

The Window of life is only open for 40–60 yr and that should keep you observant, if you are conscious about your every action, it will help you make rational choices.

Every action has equal and opposite reactions even in infinity or across the cosmos.



Ajay Sarode

Bachelors in Mass Media with an interest in Digital Marketing. Avid Reader and Political Observer.